2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Giving Back...Year after Year
We've loved every minute of our journey
In 2014 EPICuisines volunteered and/or donated for the following organizations:
Boys & Girls Country
Good Year Donation Center
Essence of Faith Hair Studio
In 2015 EPICuisines volunteered and/or donated for the following organizations:
Houston Food Bank
Boys & Girls Country
Women Empowering Change
Meals on Wheels (Women Empowering Change)
LSR Enterprise (Breast Cancer Awareness Event)
EPICuisines Annual Tasting & Health Expo
In addition we supported the Aldine School District and actively participated in events to encourage the students grades 1st - 9th.
EPICuisines has its charity line-up for the 2016 calendar year. We will do our part in giving back by supporting businesses who support the less fortunate. In addition the EPIC Foundation has its list of personal care and concern to raise awareness around our personal campaign "Encouraging a Healthier You". On this years list is:
Houston Food Bank
Conley Elementary (Career Day)
JB International Anniversary
VOA 2016 Spring Fling
New Life Destiny Empowerment Center Back to School Bach